All You Need To Know About Hair Transplants

Before you consider getting a hair transplant, you should keep in mind the following points. Transplants should not be considered a permanent cure for people who suffer from pattern baldness, irrespective of gender. A transplant does not guarantee to counteract any hair loss effect in already bald areas.
In case someone already has little hair left on the head before the transplant, the transplant hair length can be kept the same. And there is no requirement for medication for re-growth.
How Much Will A Hair Transplant Cost You?
A lot of clinics fail to reveal the exact cost of hair transplantation. This is because of the uniqueness and difference in person-to-person hair loss and requirements.
However, the process is not at all cheap as there might also be a requirement for a second subsequent session to achieve the desired volume of hair. The cost largely depends on several factors which have been mentioned below:
The Expertise And Skills Of The Physician: The experience of the physician who is carrying out the transplant speaks a lot about the cost of the process. More experienced doctors are supposed to charge higher always. But it is always worth every penny because you will never be dissatisfied with the results.
Experience Of The Supporting Team: The physician’s experience combined with the experience of the assisting team also defines how expensive your treatment is going to be.
Location Of The Transplant Centre: Medical tourism allows a lot of patients nowadays so that patients can enjoy a low-cost service for hair loss treatments. This includes transplantation, FUE treatments, etc.
It Also Depends On The Choice Of Method Of Hair Transplantation: There are different methods of hair transplants. For example:
- Strip Transplants:The grafts are placed as strips and this process is cheaper as compared to the other method.
- Follicular Unit Extraction Or FUE:As compared to strip transplants, FUE is a comparatively long process. So, it takes a lot of time for the physician and can be tiring as well. The prices are usually double that of the strip method.
The graft is usually a follicular unit here. Each follicular graft consists of one to four haired units. All the grafts have the same cost.
Usually, patients double up the amount of the grafts or have more sessions if they are not satisfied with the density of the hair. The usual graft number can go from 3k to 6k grafts.
Imagine your hand curled up in the form of a fist and place your hand over the bald spot. This space accommodates around 1.5k grafts and this can help you get a rough idea of the number of grafts as well as the cost.
The Additional Cost Of The Anaesthetic Used: Normally, the anaesthetic cost is added separately other than the overall transplant cost. Make sure you confirm this additional charge in advance.
Follow-ups And Post Surgery Assistance: There is a requirement for a few follow-up sessions after the transplant. This is done to ensure how the graft is taking in the scalp. This might also come with some additional charges which need to be confirmed beforehand. Confirm with your surgeon before starting about the number of post-surgery sessions required.
Your Time Taken Off Work Is Another Hidden Cost: Other costs are hidden and are to be paid for the personal after-care. This includes the time that you are going to take off work. This is to make sure that there is no contamination of the graft area by public contact.
This will lead to a loss in earnings and can be summed up in the charges you’ll have to pay for the process.
A Follow-Up Graft Charge In Case Of Hair Fall: The younger the individual, the more the chances of the hair falling off. In such cases, one might require follow-up grafts. So, it might not be a one-stop cost for some people. They will need to add up the additional cost of the follow-up grafts.
So, one should calculate and sum up all the charges and costs included in the transplantation process. This will help in better planning in the treatment process and will lead to a smoother and stress-free experience.
There is another important point that can help one in cutting the costs. There are a lot of cases where one has gone through an accident that leads to hair loss. In such cases, one can always take help from a health insurance company that can help cover the expenses.
Keeping the above points in mind, one will also be able to understand better if the cost of hair transplantation fits their budget. Also, this will help in deciding the exact amount of grafting one needs to go for.