
Your guide to non-hormonal birth control

For people who are sexually active, having birth control is important, unless of course, you are trying for a baby. 

Birth control is not just effective for preventing unplanned pregnancies, but it also then ensure that when you do decide to have a baby, it is considering your health and circumstances otherwise. 

Furthermore, certain birth control options also serve to protect you against sexually transmitted infections as well. However, this benefit does not extend to the hormonal contraceptive. 

Birth control pills and other hormonal contraceptive options work by causing hormonal changes in the body that prevent the formation of egg, and thus prevent pregnancy. Such contraceptives might, however, have side effects as well, which you can then discuss with the best gynecologist in Lahore

Hence, many women tend not to go for the hormonal contraceptives. There are plenty of other methods that don’t involve your hormones and can still help you in preventing pregnancy. 

Non-hormonal birth control 

Cervical cap 

Cervical cap acts as a barrier to the sperm and prevents it entering the body. It is fitted into the vagina, over the cervix by the doctor, and is generally used in tandem with a spermicide. 

For the cap to work, it needs to be put in place before sex, and has to be left in for around 6 hours after having sex. Moreover, it cannot be used during periods. 

The rate of success is slightly low and is lower still for women who have given vaginal birth since the canal tends to become looser after giving birth. 

Condom- Male 

Condoms are a popular choice of contraception. The male condoms come in a variety of sizes and are donned over the penis. As they contain the ejaculate, they prevent the sperm from coming into contact with an egg. 

However, it can happen that the condom is not the right size, is not fitted properly, or it breaks which is why condoms are not 100% fool-proof way of preventing pregnancy. 

Another caveat is that women can be allergic to the latex condoms. Some people don’t like them because they pose a barrier, which means less sensation.  

One also has to, often, use lubricant with condoms, since they increase the friction, but the choice of lubricant also is dependent on the type of the condom; latex condoms can break when used with oil-based lubricants. 

Condoms are also an effective way to protect against sexually transmitted disease. They are also easily available, don’t require a visit to the doctor and are relatively cheap to buy. 

Condom -Female

There are also available female condoms which also have the same underlying principle; to form a barrier to the sperms entering the uterus. 

While there are lesser instances of allergy to female condoms but there can be instances of irritation to the rings that hold the condoms in place. Moreover, female condoms are also more expensive.


Diaphragm is also inserted into the vagina to cover the cervix and prevent sperm gaining entry. For efficacy, one has to apply spermicide over it before inserting it in the body. 

The rate of success is fairly decent if diaphragm is used correctly. It, however, cannot be used when you are on your periods. It needs to go in before sex and stay there for around 6 hours after sex. 


Spermicides can be thought of sperm repellent. Available in gel, cream forms, this concoction helps in preventing sperms gain an entry into the uterus. 

However, when used stand alone, the success rate is not very impressive, which is why it is recommended to be used with other physical methods. 


The sponge, as the name also suggests, soaks up the sperm to prevent them from reaching the uterus. These are doused in spermicide as well. However, the sponge poses the risk of yeast infection, meriting the intervention of the best gynecologist in Rawalpindi.

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