How to Save Money on Professional Scrum Master Training

Scrum is a popular software development framework that’s used by many companies and organizations. The Scrum methodology was created by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland in the early 1990s, but it wasn’t until 2001 that they published their book The Scrum Guide (also known as the “Red Book”), which provided an introduction to what would eventually become known as agile development. Since then, the popularity of Scrum has grown rapidly—and so have its training options!
Professional scrum master training is available at several levels,: there are introductory workshops for people who want to learn about Scrum without having any experience with it; intermediate workshops for those who have some experience but want to deepen their knowledge; and advanced courses for experienced professionals who want to become certified scrum masters or Agile Coaches (which requires passing an exam).
Because, learning from these courses can be expensive—and because not every organization offers them in-house—we’ve put together this guide on how you can save money on professional scrum master training by going to the source yourself or finding other ways of getting your hands dirty.
What is a Professional Scrum Master?
A professional Scrum master is a trained and experienced person who can effectively coach teams and organizations in the use of Scrum. The scrum master is a key role in the scrum process, Scrum is a popular framework for agile software development. It has been adopted by a wide range of organizations, from startups to multinationals. A professional Scrum master is not to be confused with a project manager or any other role that may exist in an organization. The professional Scrum master role is not the same as an Agile coach, although many coaches are also professional Scrum masters.
The professional Scrum master is responsible for ensuring that the team adheres to the methodology and practices of Scrum and helps improve their productivity through coaching, training, and mentoring. In addition, he or she must also ensure that the team does not overcommit to deliverables so that they are able to finish their work on time without compromising quality.
Go to the source.
If you are serious about getting certified and becoming a professional Scrum master, there’s only one way to go: go to the source. Look for a training course that is taught by a Scrum master who is certified by the Scrum Alliance. That’s not just any certification—it’s the most widely recognized certification in agile software development, period.
The Professional Scrum Master Program (PSM), created by the Scrum Alliance, helps you prepare for and pass the PSM exam by offering online and in-person training courses around the world. The PSM credential provides an internationally recognized standard of excellence for agile professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge of scrum practices within organizations large or small with formalized education programs covering topics such as product management, team dynamics, and leadership skills required of professional scrum masters worldwide
Consider certification options.
If you’re serious about your career and want to get your foot in the door of a new organization, certification may be a good option for you. It’s also a great way to show potential employers that you are committed to learning new skills and improving yourself as an employee.
Certification can also help you earn more money at your job because it shows that you’re dedicated to developing yourself as an employee and staying current on industry best practices. Because projects are often assigned based on how much experience each person has with different skill sets or software applications, certification can make it easier for companies who that want someone with specific knowledge or skillsets.
Find a coach.
A coach can be a great way to help you learn the skills you need to become successful as a Scrum Master. A good coach will help you identify opportunities for improvement and develop strategies for overcoming challenges. Coaches also provide valuable feedback that can help improve your performance more quickly than if you were trying to figure things out on your own.
A good coach will understand the role of a Scrum Master in an agile process, as well as how Scrum Masters fit into other aspects of an organization’s culture (for example, reporting up through management).
Join a community.
As you start your Scrum Master training, you are likely to find that there is a lot of buzz around the community aspect of learning. This is because communities are one of the most effective ways to learn what it takes to be a professional Scrum Master. A community can take many forms: local meet-ups, online forums, and even an online course.
- A local meet-up might be just what you need! If you’re looking for some face time with other professionals who share your interest in Scrum and agile methods, then joining a local meet-up may be perfect for you. You can ask questions about how others have used Scrum in real-world situations or get tips on how to improve your skill set as a professional Scrum Master.
- An online forum can also help! If talking directly with people isn’t something that interests you (or if traveling isn’t feasible), then joining an online forum could be just what the doctor ordered! Online forums allow participants from all over the world to contribute their wisdom while discussing topics related specifically to teams using scrum methodologies like Agile SCRUM Methodology or Kanban Methodology.
There are many ways to learn Scrum from professionals in the field.
- Find a local meetup or conference.
- Take a course at a local university.
- Find a course online (like this one!).
- Take a course at your local training facility, if you’re lucky enough to have one nearby!
We hope this article has helped you better understand how to save money on Scrum Master training and certification. While most of these methods are not guaranteed to save you a lot of money, they can help you get started with learning the basics of Scrum at no cost.