How to Come Up With Good Thesis Statements?

Thesis Statements
A thesis statement is a single sentence that summarizes your paper’s or essay’s main idea. It’s normally near the end of your opening paragraph.
Depending on the style of essay you’re writing, your thesis will be slightly different. However, the thesis statement should always state the major point you wish to make. The rest of your essay should revolve around this concept.
The thesis statement will also help you determine whether or not your paper has a point, whether or not it addresses an important issue, and whether or not it contributes something new to its field.
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The following are the best thesis statements
Concise: A excellent thesis statement is brief and to the point; don’t use more words than are essential. In one or two phrases, state your point simply and directly.
Contentious: Your thesis should not be a straightforward factual statement that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is supported by additional evidence or research.
Coherent: Your thesis statement must be supported and discussed throughout the body of your article.
Steps to writing a good thesis statement
You can use several different methods to help you come up with a good thesis statement. A thesis statement is the main point you want to make in your paper, and it is something that will be repeated throughout your paper. It should be something that makes sense and quantifies what you are trying to prove in your paper.
Brainstorming ideas
You can come up with a good thesis statement by brainstorming ideas, or by using a template. The first option is generally easier for most people because it takes less time than the second option.
Brainstorming ideas try to think of as many different ways as possible for stating your thesis statement in your paper. Make sure that all of these ideas make sense and are relevant to what you are trying to prove in your paper. If there are any parts of your thesis statement that are not relevant, remove them from consideration until later when you come up with new ideas for the rest of your thesis statement.
For example, if you were writing about how technology has changed over time and how it has affected society as well as individuals, then one way that could work would be to say “Technology has changed over time” and “Technology has impacted society” or “Technology has affected individuals”.
Begin by asking a question.
Early in the writing process, you should come up with an initial thesis, often known as a working thesis. After you’ve chosen your essay topic, you’ll need to figure out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay structure and focus.
If your project does not include a question, attempt to come up with one on your own. What do you want to learn or decide about your subject?
For example, you might ask:
Has the internet influenced schooling positively or negatively?
Compose your initial response.
You can create a tentative response to this topic after some preliminary study. It can be brief at this point, and it should serve as a guide for the research and writing processes.
In terms of education, the internet has had a more better than negative impact.
Formulate your response
Now you must think about why you choose this solution and how you will persuade your reader to agree with you. Your response should get more elaborate as you learn more about your topic and begin writing.
The thesis statement in your essay about the internet and education expresses your perspective and lays out the primary arguments you’ll use to back it up.
Fine-tune your thesis assertion
A strong thesis statement should inform the reader of the following:
- What motivates you to hold this position?
- What your essay will teach them
- The most important points in your argument or story
The final thesis statement highlights your full argument or the entire issue you’re going to address, rather than simply stating your opinion. Consider the larger context of your topic to assist enhance a poor thesis statement.
Example: Improved thesis statement on the use of the internet.
The disadvantages of internet use are exceeded by the numerous educational benefits: it allows for quicker access to knowledge, exposure to other viewpoints, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.
A thesis statement is a summary of the content that you are going to write about. It is important and it will help you to decide what you want to write about and how you want to present it.
There are several types of thesis statements, which can help with the writing process:
- A simple thesis statement that states your thesis in one sentence.
- A complex thesis statement that consists of three or more sentences and includes supporting evidence for your point of view.
- A suggestive thesis statement, which involves an idea or theory and invites the reader to consider how this might be applied in their own lives or professional situations (e.g., “This study will provide an overview of marketing trends at different stages of product life cycles”).
- An argumentative thesis statement, involves claiming something (e.g., “The key to successful marketing knows who your customers are”).
Final words
Good thesis statements allow you to negotiate the thicket of complex ideas and find a path through to your ultimate argument. They help people understand your paper, and they ensure that you do what you set out to do. Your thesis should inspire pride in your ability as a writer, and confidence in your ability to effectively argue your points.
TWH.2022. PhD Thesis Writing Service. Online Available at: < thesiswritinghelp dot com> (Accessed: 18 June 2022).
Glatthorn, A.A. and Joyner, R.L., 2005. Writing the winning thesis or dissertation: A step-by-step guide. Corwin Press.