Can the Internet be a Savior for Educational Purposes?

According to (Athans & Salvatore, 2010), many people underestimate the power of writing. The students must emphasize improving their academic writing skills. Students are most likely to experience academic writing in their student According to (best assignment writer, 2020), E-learning is crucial asset of this era. The students can gain help from the internet at anytime and anywhere. The online web has revolutionized classrooms. Before the outbreak of Covid-19, the people did not consider the internet an authentic source of learning. Online classes have proved that the web is a reliable source of education. The Internet is a source to communicate with professionals with difficulty. The students can get UK Dissertation Help online in their thesis. The online platform provides twenty-four hours of availability to facilitate the students in the dissertation.
Another online source of help the students can get “Write my dissertation for me”. The platform helps the students in the thesis. The professionals can fully aid the students in their thesis to be successful. Hence internet is a source of communication with professionals for educational purposes. According to (Gregory, 1996), the internet can assist the students for educational purposes in the following ways.
1. Low-cost and Cheap Source of Education:
The Internet is full of knowledge. High-quality content is available on the internet. It provides cost-effective services to the students. The students can get online access to books with one click. Sometimes, many students are unable to buy books due to a shortage of money. Thus internet provides low-cost services to the students. It contains the videos of the lectures. They can easily access the videos to clear their concepts. It helps in removing the high cost the students pay to tutors.
Hence internet is rendering its best services at a low cost. Every student can access the internet anytime and anywhere.
2. Encourages Teacher-Student Interaction:
The Internet encourages teacher-student interaction. It has allowed the students to stay in touch with their teachers and classmates through social media. They can have chat through different platforms of social media. It is a useful learning tool. The teachers can use it to upload their lectures and assignments. On the other hand, the students can access the lectures through the student portal. Apart from it, they can consult the queries with each other through chat.
The use of divergent software has made it easier for both the teachers and students to share their data. It also demolishes the difficulty of the students who feel shy to ask their teachers directly.
3. Ensures Efficient Learning:
The Internet is a useful tool for ensuring efficient learning. It acts as an efficient learning app for both the students and the teachers. It saves time. The students do not need to waste their time traveling to access their teachers. The teachers are available anytime remotely to facilitate their students. The high authorities of the school can send important emails to the students in case of any emergency.
Hence internet ensures communication. Communication is the main key to success in education. It alleviates all the issues of the students. Likewise, the internet plays a foremost role in helping students for educational purposes.
4. Students can access Quality Education:
The students can get a quality education through the web. The Internet is a source of quality education including YouTube which contains all the videos of the lectures. They can enjoy more advanced learning by paying a fee for the lectures. They possess a student portal where the teachers can share course material and main slides. The Internet has accessed the classrooms in this era. The use of multimedia in classrooms helps to understand the concepts of the students.
Apart from it, the students can access the online lectures from reputable universities around the world. Hence they can stay in touch with the world remotely to get a quality education.
5. Relation with Digital Media:
Digital media is an online source of communication for students. It plays a predominant role in resolving the issues of the student in their studies. Digital media increases the engagement of the students. It fixes the matter of the students. If they find any difficulty, they can contact their teachers through online chat. However, teachers can help their students through the internet. They can use video calls and chat services to facilitate their students.
The use of PowerPoint slides further clears the concepts of the students through pictorial representations. Hence digital media plays a vital role in facilitating students for educational purposes.
6. Experiences learning with Multimedia:
Multimedia helps the students in a variety of ways. It uses the brain’s ability to make connections between the verbal and visual representation of the content. Thus it leads to a deeper understanding.
Secondly, multimedia encourages the use of visual representation. The brain is likely to grasp quickly through visuals. It helps in increasing the attention of the students. Thirdly, the use of multimedia generates positive emotions in the students. Multimedia incorporated into mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. Therefore, it makes it easier for the students to access digital media through any portable device. It helps the students greatly in their studies.
7. Internet keeps the student updated with Information:
The books are unlikely to contain updated information. The authors find it difficult to update the books from time to time. Apart from it, it makes it difficult for the students to buy expensive books over again. The Internet has resolved this issue. It is full of knowledge. It is easier to keep the information updated on the material available on the web. In this way, the students can easily access the internet to gain updated education. The students can consult through articles available on google scholar. The writers are likely to bring changes to the report with the updated education.
Best Assignment Writer. (n.d.). Does Conspiracy Theory Marketing Sells? Fact or Fiction. [online] Available at: Gregory, D.C., 1996. Art education reform: Technology as savior. Art Education, 49(6), pp.49-54.